Last Updated on March 18, 2023 by Flavia Calina
There are 7 chakras in the body, each one associated with a nerve center and gland. These energy centers can be overactive or underactive, causing both mental and physical health problems.
The goal of yoga is to stimulate and balance these energy centers, using specific poses and meditation techniques. Regardless of which chakra is out of balance, it is recommended to heal all seven.
Root Chakra
The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is located at the base of your spine and is a powerful energy center that governs your sense of belonging. The chakra also helps you feel grounded and safe.
If you’re feeling out of balance, there are plenty of ways to open and heal your root chakra. Meditation, yoga, walking barefoot on the earth, and eating root vegetables are just a few of the simple things you can do to unblock this chakra.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is the second of the seven energy centers. Balancing this chakra is essential to your physical and emotional well-being. When it’s out of balance, your sacral chakra can manifest as a variety of issues. They include emotionally unstable behavior, lack of creativity, sexual dysfunction, and addictions.
A few ways to open and balance this chakra include meditation, yoga, and creative expression. In addition, spending time in places with water — such as lakes and beaches — can help you reconnect with this energy center.
Solar Plexus Chakra
When the solar plexus chakra is open and balanced, you have confidence in yourself and your ability to make choices. This energy center also helps you understand your worth and purpose in life.
Keeping this chakra in balance requires a lot of practice, but it can be done with the help of crystals and meditation techniques. You can also use yoga positions that stimulate this chakra.
Heart Chakra
When the heart chakra is open, you feel a sense of connectedness with everyone and everything. You may also feel a sense of generosity and empathy for others.
However, if you find that you are constantly feeling lonely or isolated, or if you tend to be resentful and bitter, you may have a blocked heart chakra.
The best way to open and balance your heart chakra is to work with your emotions and learn how to be compassionate towards yourself and others. Meditation is a great way to connect with your feelings and heal them.
Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is associated with communication, the expression of feelings and thoughts, and healthy internal dialogue. When balanced, it enables us to speak our truth and express ourselves with courage and integrity.
As per keeping your throat chakra in balance requires a variety of healing practices, from meditation to breathing exercises and yoga. These are all-natural ways to help you open and heal this important energy center.
Third Eye Chakra
A healthy third eye chakra provides individuals with extraordinary intuition and insight into the world around them. It also gives people the ability to connect with spiritual energies and higher consciousness.
In the first step to opening and balancing this energy center, try some breathing techniques that quiet your mind and focus on it. You can also try candle gazing and other mindfulness practices, or a simple walk in nature to help you relax.
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra, also known as the Sahasrara, connects you to your spiritual connection and higher self. It allows you to experience enlightenment and the utmost clarity and wisdom.
Signs of an imbalance in this chakra include happiness that depends on external conditions, existential depression, narrow-mindedness, greed and materialism, excessive egoism, and mental illness.
Achieving a balanced crown chakra is possible with the help of positive affirmations, meditation, and yoga. You can begin by choosing a meditation practice that stimulates your spirituality and focuses on mindfulness, silence, and self-inquiry.
The Seventh Chakra
The seventh chakra is the crown of the head and translates to “thousand petals”. It’s also called Sahasrara, which is the Sanskrit word for the thousand-petaled lotus flower.
The crown chakra connects us to our spirituality and the divine. It is the bridge that allows us to connect to all life on earth and access the highest level of consciousness.
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