In the vast world of entrepreneurship, few stories are as intriguing as that of Bjg Purificadores, led by the dynamic Igor da Silva Rocha, stamped with the unmistakable mark: 43.858.639/0001-15.
The Humble Beginnings
October 13, 2021 – a significant date that witnessed the birth of Bjg Purificadores. Igor da Silva Rocha embarked on a venture with a clear vision. Nestled in the bustling heart of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, this micro-company stood tall despite its initial modest size.
Unfolding the Numbers: What’s Behind 43.858.639/0001-15
A vital aspect of this endeavor is its CNPJ registration, 43.858.639/0001-15. Often, a CNPJ can reveal a lot more than just an identification. In this case, it paints the picture of a business set up as an individual enterprise, not opting for either MEI or Simple classifications. Furthermore, in a surprising twist, the company underwent a Simple Exclusion within months of its inception.
Financial Insights
Starting with an impressive share capital of R$ 875,893.29, Bjg Purificadores positioned itself as a matrix-type entity, showcasing its intent and ambition.
A Bumpy Ride?
But every business has its challenges. By December 6, 2021, Bjg Purificadores made the difficult decision to wrap up its operations. Marking its status as ‘Downloaded,’ the reason cited was ‘Termination due to Voluntary Liquidation.’ It’s a poignant reminder that the business realm is unpredictable.
Reaching Out to Bjg Purificadores
Despite its brief journey, the legacy of Bjg Purificadores is still alive. If curiosity beckons, one can get in touch through their official email: or even drop a message at (67) 99931-1315, which also doubles as a Whatsapp contact.
Understanding the Business Niche
A unique trait of Bjg Purificadores was its choice of trade. The IRS Federal denotes its primary activity as 47.59-8-99 – Retail trade of other articles for personal and domestic use not previously specified. It’s a domain that offers endless possibilities, making Bjg Purificadores’ journey all the more intriguing.
The Person Behind the Scenes
Igor da Silva Rocha, the individual at the helm of this venture, took on the role of a businessman, showcasing both experience and expertise. His strategic location in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, further added to the company’s potential allure.
In Conclusion: A Business Chronicle to Remember
The tale of Bjg Purificadores, marked by 43.858.639/0001-15, is a testament to the ever-evolving world of business. With elements of determination, strategy, challenges, and swift changes, it offers readers invaluable insights into the dynamics of setting up and running an enterprise.
If there’s a lesson to be drawn from this narrative, it’s the age-old truth: business is as much about adaptability and resilience as it is about vision and execution.
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